The Surgeries I Never Talked About—Until Now

I’ve never really shared this before, but now feels like the right time. I’m going to use this blog to share my most inner stories, the real things that go on in my life, and want to bring you all along with me.

The story of my children’s births isn’t something I’ve spoken much about. It’s personal, raw, and full of moments (sometimes I feel like I’m still processing). But as I sit here with Olive sleeping in my arms and Albert’s toys scattered everywhere, I feel ready to let you in.

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One response to “The Surgeries I Never Talked About—Until Now”

  1. Charlotte Banks Avatar
    Charlotte Banks

    Hi Soph,
    I enjoy your Instagram page and the podcast so much that I just had to subscribe to the blog!
    We have children similar in age and I always love stories from other mums, particularly those at the same stage as me.
    I’ve just had my second baby, I’ve now got two gorgeous boys. I also had to have an emergency c-section with my second baby and how you’ve described it, where you have no time to process it is so accurate. I still catch myself now, 4 months on daydreaming about it and how it all dramatically unfolded, but in that moment I was so numb to it all I didn’t even really register. I never felt pain from the epidural, I didn’t resist any needles like I always imagined I would.
    As you said us women are strong, stronger than we realise at times.
    Really looking forward to future blogs.
    Thanks for sharing Soph.

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